Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures is the second animated series in the Strawberry Shortcake franchise, after the 2003 Series. It was a CGI animated series that was produced by MoonScoop Group around 2009 to 2013 and then Splash Entertainment by 2015. The series was made using the 3D software called Autodesk Maya. Around 4 seasons of the show was aired with 65 episodes. Songs by Andy Street and Judy Rothman were used during this show.
A spin-off of the beloved Strawberry Shortcake series, “Berry Bitty Adventures” takes place in the fanciful, colorful community of Berry Bitty City. The spirit of friendship and goodwill always wins out in Berry Bitty City!
Production History[]
Main Casts[]
- Anna Cummer as Strawberry Shortcake
- Tracey Moore as Strawberry's singing voice
- Janyse Jaud as Orange Blossom
- Andrea Libman as Lemon Meringue, Sweet Grapes
- Ashleigh Ball as Plum Pudding
- Britt McKillip as Blueberry Muffin
- Ingrid Nilson as Raspberry Torte
- Shannon Chan-Kent as Cherry Jam
- Victoria Duffield as Cherry's singing voice
- Diana Kaarina as Sour Grapes
- Aidan Drummond as Huckleberry Pie
- Rebecca Shoichet as Apple Dumplin’
Recurring Cast[]
- Paul Dobson as Mr. Longface, Bosley Bookworm
- Ingrid Nilson and Janyse Jaud as Kadiebug and Sadiebug
- Nicole Oliver as Jadeybug
- Scott McNeil as Postmaster Bumblebee
- Kathleen Barr as Mavis Maraschino
- Berrykins
- Andrea Libman as Princess Berrykin, Baby Berrykin
- Paul Dobson as Berrykin Bloom, Berrykin Bertram, Berrykin Bill
- Kathleen Barr as Berrykin Becky
- Sam Vincent as Berrykin Bruce, Berrykin Earl
- Scott McNeil as Berrykin Ed
- Shannon Chan-Kent as Berrykin Bonnie
Minor Cast[]
- Kathleen Barr as Queen of Berryvania
- Nicole Oliver as Doctor Hazel Nutby
- Paul Dobson as Toad Simmons
- Scott McNeil as Clem Cricket
- Ashleigh Ball as Talent Scout
- Ingrid Nilson as Ladybug Lois
Sky's the Limit Film[]
Main article: The Strawberry Shortcake Movie: Sky's the Limit
The Strawberry Shortcake Movie: Sky's the Limit is a movie released on 2009. It serves as the pilot of the series before the whole 4 season series was released a year later.
Main article: Strawberry Shortcake Comics (IDW)
On 2016, IDW Publishing released 9 comic issues for the Berry Bitty Series written by Georgia Ball, taking place after the events of the cartoon series. The last comic was released on 2017. The comics reintroduce The Peculiar Purple Pieman and Raisin Cane as the primary antagonists
YouTube Web Series[]
Main article: Strawberry Shortcake YouTube Special
On May 4, 2018, during the production of a new series. Wildbrain (known as DHX Media at the time) created a 5 episode 2D-animated web series exclusive to YouTube. Each episode is around 4-5 minutes long and adapts several stories from the IDW comics. Unlike the main series, Strawberry, Orange, the Grapes twins, and Blueberry are the only returning characters, with the latter only making a single minor appearance. Steve Piemanne and Raisin Cane also appear due to some of their comic stories getting adapted. The stories are also heavily altered to replace the original casts with the 2018 cast. The series ended on June 20th of the same year with “Promotion Commotion”.
List of Web Series Episodes[]
No. in series | No. overall | Title | Airdate |
1 | 1 | Market Yourself | May 4, 2018 |
2 | 2 | A Haunting in Berry City | May 16, 2018 |
3 | 3 | Yes to the Dress | May 28, 2018 |
4 | 4 | A Leg to Dance | June 7, 2018 |
5 | 5 | Promotion Commotion | June 20, 2018 |
Promotional Images[]
Production/Concept Work[]
TBA (Note: Do not put episode videos into the video gallery, put trailers or misc official videos like advertisements)
- Like every reboot of the series, all the characters were given new personalities and designs.
- Some characters in the series were changed in a more colorful fashion to suit the show's new generation of kids
- This iteration reintroduces the least amount of existing characters from other versions in the show.
- The 2018 webseries marks several firsts for the Strawberry Shortcake franchise, and holds several records. Whether or not these are negatives is up to you.
- It is the shortest Strawberry Shortcake show in the franchise’s history, lasting only a month and a half with five episodes, and around 20 minutes of total runtime.
- It also features the smallest cast in Strawberry Shortcake history, with only seven total characters.
- It is the first series to consist solely of adaptations of previously released stories, rather than original stories.
- It is the first series to not have Raspberry Torte, Plum Pudding, Huckleberry Pie, Lemon Meringue, Custard, and Pupcake.
- The IDW comics are the first time since the original 1980s series that a Strawberry Shortcake show got a monthly comic book series.
- It is the first generation of Strawberry Shortcake to have multiple animated shows, with the main TV cartoon, and the 2018 webseries.