"Great butterscotch! I did it! The Hovercraft 800!" -- Lemon Tort shows off her new hovercraft feature.
Lemon Tort is a minor antagonist introduced in Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City in Season 2, making her first introduction in the episode LemonLime Back in Time.
Lemon Tort is a mechanic and a recurring antagonist throughout Season 2. She used to be the business partner for Lemon Meringue before the events of the series, and the two co-owned the Lemonade Parade juice cart. However, after Orange Blossom gave Tort some feedback regarding how she treats customers, Lemon Tort took it as her being unappreciated and quit on the spot, driving away from the Berryworks.
At some point, she met up with Lime Tart, the former business partner of Lime Chiffon. The two became friends and joined up as business partners, running the Lemonade Parade together. Throughout Seasoon 2, the two would appear in opposition to the Berry Besties, competing against them in an inventing competition and getting in Strawberry's way while setting up their food trucks for Poachella. Neither Lime Tart or Lemon Tort appeared in Season 3.
Lemon Tort is based on Doc Brown from the '80s sci-fi film Back to the Future, and shares some similar design aspects, most notably in her frazzled hair. Lemon Tort is blonde with brown eyes and a fair complexion. She wears an orange jumpsuit and a belt with a lemon on it. She has green woodshop glasses and green gloves, along with brown boots. Under her jumpsuit, we can see she wears a white shirt with a brown neckline.
Though clearly mechanically skilled and passionate, Lemon Tort isn't exactly practical or listens to feedback. Her inventions often don't benefit her job which is a major reason she and Meringue split as business partners. She's energetic and loud without much room for anything else, and she is shown to be very sensitive to criticism, quitting after saying the Berryworks doesn't "Appreciate her genius".
- Unlike other characters her design doesn't change between the flashback and modern-day episodes. She shares this with Lime Tart and a few customer characters.
- She's a character that shares a fruity theme with a few others, including pets there's Lemon Meringue, Lemon Drop, Lem and Ada, Lemon Ice, and Sourball.
- She is, in a few ways, Lemon's less practical and nice counterpart, especially grouped with Lime Tart to contrast Lemon Meringue and Lime Chiffon's partnership. Examples of this include her having less practical inventions for the truck that she worked at, such as the hovercraft setting, and that she cannot take criticism very well.
- Lemon Tort is heavily based on Dr. Emmett L. Brown from the Back to the Future franchise
- Her goggles and jumpsuit are based on Doc's appearance at the end of the first Back to the Future film and the beginning of the sequel.
- Her catchphrase is "Great Butterscotch!" in the same way that Doc's catchphrase is "Great Scott!"
- Tort's voice is based off of Christopher Lloyd's performance as the character.
- When she is asked by Lemon Meringue how a floating hovercraft will result in more lemonade, Tort retorts that "when you make a hovercraft, you do it with style!" which is based off of what Doc said when commenting on making a time machine out of a car: "If you're gonna build a time machine into a car, Why not do it with some style?"